Uganda Team Update

Eyeglasses: oodles and oodles of eyeglasses. I never realized how much I take my sight for granted. People in third world countries don’t have access to eye care like we do. Eyes get infected, yet not treated. Eyesight deteriorates, yet no intervention given. They don’t have government programs to give aid, no social workers to come alongside. If there are no family members to help, then there is no help.

In seven weeks, our Uganda Team will depart with thousands, yes, thousands of eye glasses and an eye doctor. We’ll conduct eye clinics where people can have eyes tested with a focometer and a prescription matched. It’s a giant effort, but allows us to be the hands and feet of Jesus to bring sight to the blind and Good News to all.

We are done collecting glasses, as the process of getting the glasses ready is pretty extensive. They have to be washed, sorted and measured for prescription strength. Then, our eye doctor will order more, if needed. But, we have room in the suitcase for more sunglasses! Sunglasses protect eyes from the harmful rays of the sun that cause cataracts.

What are we doing now?

·         Getting immunizations

·         Ordering plane tickets

·         Finishing our fundraising with the Concession Stand at the Upward games

·         Training for our various stations in the eye clinics

·         Shopping at thrift stores for clothing we can wear for the warm climate, and leave behind.

·         Picking up personal care items to give to children and the grandmothers who are raising them.

·         Asking the Lord to prepare us, and to do a work in and through us.

People need a soft touch and a kind word. They need to know someone cares. Will you add us to your prayer list? Pray for endurance and a good sense of humor during the long clinic days. Pray for health, and rest for the travel. And pray for hearts to “see” the Gospel in action.

We leave from Buffalo International Airport in the wee hours of the morning March 16, and arrive in Kampala Sunday, March 17. We’ll be blogging here during the trip, and we'd love to know you're following!

Thank you for sending us as your ambassadors!

Roy Ferguson

Sally Ferguson

Norma Jean Angelo

Molly Angelo

Courtney Spence

Lynn Smith

Crissy Carter (Ohio)

Jeff Morhous (Ohio)

Donna Morhous (Ohio) – Eye Doctor


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