Pinch yourself. We’re in Uganda!

After listening to soothing rain last night, we encountered t
he heat today. We're taking some time to get acclimated. At Secrets Guest House, Derek and Angela provided respite for a short night and a feast for the new day. Fruit here is fresh with papaya, pineaaple and watermelon aplenty. We traveled through remodeled roads and played a tennis match with our heads trying to take it all in. For a good part of the afternoon, we unpacked supplies and sorted into suitcases for delivery. Pretty dresses were paired with new underwear and hairties, School supplies divided out for delivery, and soaps, lotions, shampoos, stuffed animals and personal care items readied for thirty visits to Jja-Jjas and their families. We are blown away by the generous outpouing of items donated to gift to so many grateful hearts. 1 Thessalonians 1:1 expresses my conviction. We have already experienced so much grace & peace in getting eleven people and thirtythree suitcases safely to Africa. Now we pray that blessing over you in your journey through the day. Sally


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