Beginning the Work

Sunday March 17:  I guess it’s actually continuing the work.  If you know us you know we have been preparing for a few months now.  Once we pulled out of the driveway Friday morning to drive to Buffalo, it was too late to squeeze in one more thing in to do.  The SUV was full to the brim with the suitcases for our clothes etc but also equipment.
Sunday ... Therefore as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in Thanksgiving. Col. 2:6,7.
Today we arrived in Saudia Arabia about 7:30....after a 12 hour flight... after a 4 hour flight...and a four hour sleep at the hotel......after a 7 hour drive.  But we weren’t finished.  We walked to the other end of the airport, got on a bus for 20 minutes. And boarded a plane for a five hour flight to Entebbe. Are you exhausted just reading that? So, yes we are exhausted.  Our adrenaline was keeping us going.  We got to Entebbe, Uganda about 3:30.  We are tired and ready for sleep and a little time zone confused.  We have packed and repacked and hauled heavy bags and bulky bags, moving them from place to place. (When we repacked, sorted , and weighed them at Buffalo it was like a puzzle coming together. We reloaded and rearranged to keep all bags under the max weight and use all the space we could.). We are ready to jump in tomorrow.
The drive leaving the airport was full of surprises, dirt roads, new highways, a rainbow of flowering trees, traffic lights (an oddity here) and a few traffic roundabouts that can be an adventure when 2 lanes become 7 and everybody squeezes in because we don’t need to take turns.   The air seems extra still and calm but the sounds of the hundreds of kinds of unusual bird calls makes a good background behind it.
The beauty here is striking. How wonderful to see the brightness of the green grasses around and the trees and flowers are all so ALIVE here. The faces of the people peak through from every direction and they are all smiling.  I think I want to get to know them.
So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.  1Cor 13:13


  1. We are excited for all of you and this amazing adventure that God has given you. Our prayers are with you and with those who's lives you will touch in the name of Jesus Christ , our Lord.

    1. Ronda Migliore and the Heritage House Staff :-)

    2. Thank you Ronda and Heritage House Staff!


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