4/27/28. Safari Day

After breakfast our drivers had us on the road at 6:45 to try to see the elusive preditors that hunt at night. The morning was cloudy with spots of rain. Our safari vans had the tops up ready to see GOD's amazing creation. The big bull elephant who seemed to own the road to the lodge was grazing in the field as we rode by. Baboons and several different birds were at the check station into the park. It was a cool morning, but we northerners from NY are tough so it felt good to me. Amy Lynn, Norma Jean, Janet, Lynn, and I were in the "singles" van with our driver Robert. We all stood in anticipation of what we would see. The rain started and flashes of lightning were in the distance. I did have a fleeting thought that I was hanging onto two metal rods. IN every direction you could see the 4 types of antelope grazing, water buck (largest),Cobb (the national antelope),Jackson Hartebeest, and the Oribee (smallest). Intermixed within them you could see water buffalo and warthogs grazing. A Giraffe was sited and just as we saw that one several feet further there was a family of them. Packs of elephants were seen in the distance as well. Now the elusive big cats. Our driver got a siteing of some lionesses so off we went. The lioness was enjoying her morning kill with her cubs. The tall grass made it hard to see them but we did get to see mama moveto snap a few pictures. We did not see the leopard in a tree, as ithad moved by the time we got there. In the afternoon we took a boat ride down the nile to the foot of Murchinson Falls. The first siteing on the mighty Nile River was a family of elephants cooling themselves off. The sun had comeout and the heat of Africa is extreme being so close to the equator. The water was brown and not clear but it was a source of life to many animals and to the people. We saw many crocodiles and some out sunning themselves. Did you know the open their mouths and leave them open to cool themselves off? Hippos in pods were out floating cooling off, as they can't swim. God gave them the gift of boyouncy. I mananged to get pictures of 15 different birds with my camera. Before you knew it we were near the foot of the falls. Breathtaking, the force of water is greater than Niagara Falls. The foam it left floating down the river was everywhere. After several shots the captain of the boat started back to the dock. GOD's creation never disappoints if you have eyes to see and ears to hear. We had our last four course mealand Pastor Roy asked if we could meet the chef. He was wonderful in taste and presentation. He recieved a round of applause. The reward of the safari from workirng hard in 7 clinic days was an amazing gift to the team. God smiled down and showed us how blessed we are to live in His world. We are not all that different and we all yearn to worship our one true God. God bless, Lana


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