Spread God’s Love

The second week of adventures starts with cloudy skies, but it feels refreshing, outside. The birds are singing and alarm clocks are ringing. Now that I am up, I am preparing for the day. I wonder what the day will bring. All I know is that God's love will shine through. Breakfast is eaten outside. I see fellowship and laughter, especially when a bird slides down the tin roof and lands on the ground. The sun is starting to shine through the clouds. My water bottle is filled for the adventure to Kikonda Church of GOD where the eye clinic will be held. As I ride, I see people walking, even little ones;some are walking alone. Motorcycles have the driver and up to three passengers or some type of goods, such as fruits or empty pop bottles. The road was smooth then very bumpy. We travel fom the city to a rural area. As we approach Kinkonda, they become more muddy and cow paths.I saw rice fields, corn and coffee plants and Kasabi (tapioca) plants. We arrive at our destination. Children greet me with hugs, bowing, and a handshake. I took pictures with my camera. They really loved seeing themselves. Sometimes I would on one child and all the children would run over which ended in several group pictures. The scenery is beautiful. It was right next to Lake Victoria which is the largest lake in AFRICA. Two of our team members crossed the river by boat for a relief program. Today I handed out sunglassesss. The children and adults gave big smiles. They would try to come back more. They gave handshakes, fist bumps, bowed or said, "Thank you very much". Their smiles were the best. After lunch, we reopen the eye clinic. Children were already waiting for us. There were not as many peole this time. I got to introduce them to readers' glasses. One woman could not thank me enough. It was a blessing to to see her face light up andsaying "I can see now". I am now back at the guest house cooling off in front of a fan and writing this blog. We are different, yet the same.God created everything. He takes as much care of the people in Africa as he does around the world.We need to spread GOD's love around the world and praise Him for all things. 1st Corinthians 12:13 says, "For by one spirit are we all baptized in one body, whether we be bond or free, and have all been made into one spirit". I would like to end this by saying that this has been a truly, blessed trip and an eye opener. Janet Hadley


  1. Janet, loved reading your blog!! You are the perfect person to spread Gods love for all!!


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