All Creatures of our God and King

 As I sit in the Amsterdam airport awaiting our flight back to the U.S., I am reflecting on all of the beautiful interactions we have had over the last couple of weeks. It began as six of us gathered at our church, just outside the Pearl City of Jamestown, NY, to embark upon a journey that would cover over 8,000 miles on our way to Uganda, which is known as the Pearl of Africa.

So many beautiful children from places like Nawantumbi, where they repeated nearly every movement and song that Sally and Carna directed them to follow. As we left the school to walk to the church, they couldn’t resist the urge to crowd around and feel the Muzingu (white person) man’s hairy arms. Days later, we were blessed at Murchison Bay school with some wonderful song and dance numbers. 

I also was blessed to speak to a high school class on the blessing of wise choices versus the consequences of poor ones. As I looked into their eyes, I couldn’t help but wonder if one of them might have been the little girl that climbed into my lap, and then wouldn’t let go of my hand as we walked 12 years ago. As I left their classroom, I was greeted with the joyous sounds of children laughing and playing while Norma Jean, Jean and Kenzie led them in a variety of games and craft projects.

So many men and women who were hungry to absorb the leadership training that Carna, Sally, and I shared over the course of 10 days. The smiles, personal sharing, and copious notes being taken were humbling as we poured our lives into theirs. It was also so gratifying to receive the lifeblood they poured into our lives as well.

Seeing the joy on the faces of the 14 Pastors who were ordained on our final Saturday was a sight to behold! They were dressed in their very best, with some even going to great expense to purchase a new suit or dress for the occasion! 

And then to see such a variety of wildlife in the game park - from different types of deer, antelope, water buck, African Kob, to so many varieties of birds. We were in awe of the strength and size of hippos as they made their guttural sounds from the shallow edges of the Nile, while watching corocodiles swimming and sunning nearby. The beauty and unusual body movements of giraffes and the elephant families reminded us that we were no longer in our familiar surroundings. There were also herds of water buffalo, and even a family of wart hogs sauntering by our swimming pool as we swam. But for me, the majesty of the lions never gets old to me, especially as we watched the heavy panting of a lioness who was allowing her stomach to settle after enjoying a meal, following her recent buffalo kill.

There is a unique beauty and wonder of all creatures of our God and King. It doesn’t matter what part of the world we are from, or our age or even specimen. God takes pleasure as we all relate to one another as he intended even before we were created. We are his workmanship, and that makes us his masterpieces. 

I thank God that I had the privilege to surround myself with so many of his masterpieces, to enjoy each one’s contribution to my life. And I look forward to soon seeing family, both biological and spiritual when we arrive, once again, at home. 

Thank you God for this great gift, and thank you - each one - for following and praying for this memorable journey!

P. Roy


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