God Stretch!

 On Monday and Tuesday, we went to the Kasubi Church of God Headquarters where we all did a variety of things. My role there was to provide a seminar on grief counseling.  I informed Colleen that I had about three hours worth of material.  She informed me I was scheduled to fill TWO FULL DAYS.  Gulp!  God stretched me in the village over the weekend when I was asked to present to the village women on grief, without a real plan, and here He was, stretching me again. With prayer, I went forward in Christ’s confidence. Would you know? My materials did not run out until the END of day two!  All that was required of me was obedience and blind faith. God provided. Praise Him!  The participants felt confident going forward to help others in grief.  Nineteen people are now equipped to support others in grief and share the information gained with their colleagues. I present my seminar in Bukasa later this week. There is so much death here in Uganda. I had two fathers in my class who are raising children alone, which is unheard of here.  Others in our class have lost children, siblings and parents.  I am so excited to know people here will now get the grief support they need to heal in a healthy way.

Sally, Norma Jean, Jean and Kenzie worked in the sponsorship office.  Child of Promise is a concept I did not fully understand until I saw it in action here.  Two men that we have spent time with, Pastor Godfrey and the Director of Children of Promise Edrin, are products of sponsorship. The children are not only supported financially and prayerfully by their sponsors, but they are emotionally and spiritually supported by Church of God leadership here, and many grow up to find success in many fields. Sponsorship provides a hand up in a bleak environment.  Three of us who have never sponsored a child are now sold out on the program and cannot wait to begin supporting one of these bright, beautiful children.  The people of Uganda are so full of love. This is the most amazing experience of my life. 


Here’s a link with more info on Children of Promise: https://www.childrenofpromise.global/


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