Time to Regroup

 Sunday, March 13, 2022

Began our Sunday morning with a 7am pickup by a tourist company for our trek to Murchison Falls National Park.  Alan, our driver and guide, made the long 6 hour journey pleasant.  With one stop at the cleanest bathroom we’d seen our entire time here in Uganda we soon arrived at the entrance of the park where we registered.  The first thing I noticed was the paved roads.  Much has improved in the last few years.  Not far into the park we saw several baboons.  We learned they live in both the forest and savannah areas.  They are still getting used to the paved roads.

About 20 minutes prior to arriving at our resort, we stopped to hike over to the top of Murchison Falls.  Oh how majestic is His creation!  What a beautiful sight from the top of the falls.  We saw a couple of rainbows too.  We were just in awe! 🌈 

Just before turning into Paraa Safari Lodge, we saw a kob (looks like an antelope), female water buck and more baboons.  Once checked in, we enjoyed lunch on the veranda.  We were treated with such kindness.  Soon the swimming pool called all of our names.  We played and floated and soaked for quite some time while overlooking the Nile River.  After a delicious smorgasbord dinner, the evening was filled with resting, swimming, card games and laughter.  

After several work days with new experiences, constant heat our body is not used to, emotional highs and lows, our time at Paraa was well enjoyed.  May God bless all the people we’ve met on this journey!

With love,

Norma Jean


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